
Testing the blogger app

Last couple times I tried this app it was pure crap. Looks like it's been vastly improved though. Hopefully this image works! Just a quick sketch. 



Finally another post eh?! Mugen - one cool shmuck. This was one of my 1st experiences with inking using a brush and man is it fun. Also has some watercolour in there too.


A fresh start

I've decided to give this blog a fresh start. In the coming weeks I'll be updating, tweaking, and polishing it. I'll have a "2D portfolio" section soon and will use the "blog" section for all manner of sketches and finished pieces. My Deviantart will include mostly finished art as well. May as well start now! This is a Zelda print I'm making for this years Fan Expo. It's Skull Kid from Ocarina of Time. Such a mysterious and interesting character. He just loves dancing in the moonlight! Check my DA for more!