
Skullkid 3D Print

Top: My 3D Skullkid print that I've been selling at the last few expos and conventions. It was my friend Naseer's (http://raging-akujiki.deviantart.com/) grand idea to make em and man was he right about it being a good idea. People really dig these things and I've grown quite attached to them as well. We've been upgrading them with each show too as the newest versions can now be hung on a wall with a nail.

Bottom: An exploratory sketch of a hip-hop influenced girl. I'll be posting the final design in my portfolio. Afros are great to draw.


A Style Test

Well this year's Toronto ComicCon was pretty good. I got some nice drawings and watercolours that'll be going into my portfolio and felt like doing some more watercolour. But this time I figured I would try for a digital approach and was inspired by the very talented artist Fabien Mense. His colours are oh so nice. This was a pretty good test. I didn't expect the quick 30 sec sketch would look much better once coloured but it's surprising what some colour and shadows can do. Colourising the lineart helped a great deal as well to add some life into the guy. It looks a bit like watercolour which is great (and what I was aiming for) but can't compare to the real thing.